I'm shaking with excitement as I write this!
Here's the story: I wasn't happy with the rankings that my website was achieving in the search engines, so this morning at 5 a.m. I tweaked the meta tags and some of the content to include some social media phrases.
I decided to add ones that I thought people would be looking for now, especially as social media is getting extremely popular. Some of these included, "Britney Spears gets on Twitter and it becomes a circus," "How to set up a Fan Page and encourage fans to actually stick around," "Video of the ShamWow guy cursing out a lighting technician who mistakenly walks on set," and "Chris Brogan weeps as he admits using a ghostwriter for the last three years."
Wow! Just wow. I checked my Google AdSense a few minutes ago and my site stats had hit the roof! It's absolutely amazing.
As the fake client in Harold the Jewellery Buyer's video says, "It was so easy -- now I'm ready to shop!"
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