Thursday, March 26, 2009

PitchEngine Gets First Investor

A simple status update on Facebook: "PitchEngine just inked first investor. bootstraps loosened, engine refueled. sky's the limit."

Great news for PitchEngine and its founder, Jason Kintzler. I've been touching base with Jason on and off since last year when I looked at PE for some client needs. He's a decent guy and always responds in a prompt fashion. I'm curious to see what's coming down the line for PE with the extra funds.

That brings me to the issue of mixing my social media contacts. I am linked to Jason (and a few other bloggers, influencers etc.) on Facebook. But there's only about eight people in that "professional friends" group. When I add them, I mention the fact they'll see photos of me with silly hats on and a pint in my hand. If that doesn't scare them off, then they're in my (online) personal life.

I only have professional contacts on LinkedIn and Twitter, with a few exceptions. The friends who aren't on those two networks won't mind me saying that they "don't get it," "see no value in it" or "haven't checked it out yet." That's cool; they are all very successful and happy people in their own careers, and don't really need to be on a social network.

But that doesn't stop me trying to introduce them to that world! I believe once they dip their toes in, it will be like a light dawning and they won't look back at how useful these activities can be.

Until then, I'll see them on Facebook and everyone else on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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